Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When a Dr Disappoints

As you can read with my blog, you all know that I am on a journey to motherhood. You also know that I had a miscarriage and that we have done fertility treatments in 2011. On Friday January 16th, I followed up with my OB/GYN to figure out where we need to go from here. I figured that there would be some test run however that is not what happen.

I had went over my past with my Dr as she was new to my case. After listening to everything, she told me due to my age ( 33 next month) and previous infertility issue and my current miscarriage that she felt that I need to go see a RE (reproductive endocrinologist) as soon as possible. Honestly, I was taken back, I though that with weigh loss and have already achieving a pregnancy that she would want to look at a couple thanks before getting the specialist involved. It really put me off about her. I tried to look at it from her point of view and that she is the Dr and that she may be right. However, I felt even stronger that she was just passing me off.

After speaking with some friends today, I decided that it is my right to get a second opinion. To give my history to another Dr before spending hours finding a RE when the closest one is 3 hours away. I have always put my trust in my Dr however this is the first time in my 33 years that I question my own Dr. In the end, I may still end up in the RE office and that is okay. It is more an issue that I did not feel comfortable with my Dr answer and they way she address the issue with me.

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