Thursday, November 7, 2013

I suck at Blogging but wanna be good at it.

It's now Nov and I haven't updated since July. No big deal, I don't think anyone really looks at this but me. As always, I have so much to say and don't know where to start. So, much has changed since my progress photo update. I am down a total 140lbs. My life is so much better and my marriage has never been better.

I think I want this blog to be about the mental journey this has taken me on. Everyone can see the physical but the mental I only have access to unless I bring it out for the rest of the world. Now that I have a working laptop to make it easier to blog from I should be able to keep up this. I don't want to get into to much as it is 2:40am. I plan to make it my goal to atleast blog once a week or maybe more. At least once a week ago. For anyone that does see this, I can ramble a bit. I will try to stay on track as much as possible but if I don't ramble a bit it wouldn't be me. So for anyone following watch for updates.

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