Monday, November 11, 2013

6 Months Post-Op

On Nov. 6th was my 6 month surgiversary as they call it in the weight loss surgery world. It has been 6 months since I laid on the operating tabled, signed the consent form allowing my surgeon to reroute my insides to assist with major weight loss. I still trip thinking about it. By now, you would think that it would have set in but it hasn't.

I have lost 110lbs since the start of my 2 week liquid diet on April 22nd and 140 pounds total. Wow, 140 pounds since June 29th, 2012. How amazing is that? I think it is totally fucking awesome. Something, I would have never been able to do without the help of gastric bypass. Having this surgery hasn't only effected me physical but it also takes your through a mental journey as well. That journey is the hard part for me.

I have been extremely lucky. During these last 6 months I have only been sick 5 times. First time was 2 days after surgery. I was already at home and on my "can have list" was diluted no sugar added apple juice. I sent J to the store for the apple juice as we didn't have any on hand. I even looked at the bottle when he got home and confirmed it was the correct kind. However, he did not dilute it enough  and after a few sips and an "Awe this taste amazing" I was running to the bathroom to throw up. I had my first experience with the "dumping syndrome". Needless to say I haven't had apple juice since then. So, the next experience was on the 4th of July. I had grilled pork chops and boy where they good. So good, that I ate 1 bite to many and my new stomach let me know that it wasn't going to happen. The pork chop came back up. I have ran into this 3 other times.

It's one of the reason's why I choose Gastric Bypass. I needed to have that physical restriction. That reminder that you CAN NOT binge on food anymore. It works out well. I DO NOT feel deprived of food at all. I have always loved meat and that is where most protein comes from. It works out. I hate that if the off chance I want to have a large slice of pie, or cake, or even a candy bar that I can not but it is what it is. I wouldn't change the way I feel today for any of those things.

So as far as what to expect to lose from surgery. With Gastric Bypass surgery, you are expected to lose 70% of your access body fat. My bariatric program expects me to lose 150 - 160 pounds from having gastric bypass surgery. With sticking to the program and exercising at least 4-5 days a week for an hour a day I hoping to exceed that. I am down 110 pounds so far so by their standards I have only about 40-50 pounds to lose before my weight loss stops. I am only 6 months post op at this point so praying that I can reach my goal weight of 175 pounds by Nov 2014. That puts me 18 months post op. With Gastric Bypass you lose weight up to 18 months post op. After that it is harder for the weight to come off.

Those are my ramblings for the day. Next time I thing I might touch on the subject of babies. Not an easy subject and all this plays a huge part in future babies.

Much Love Dolls

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