Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happening So Quickly

With my last post I know I was all over the place. Honestly, that's just me. I always have things running through my mind and when I think something is important I say it. Even though it might seem out of the blue it works for me and close friends and family are used to it.

Its getting closer to my physic evaluation and meeting with the Bariatric nutritionist.  They are on the same day (Friday) but 3 1/2 hours apart. I thought the Bariatric appointment was at 2:45 but its at 1:15 and the physic evaluation is at 8 am. If the physic appoint gets over after 9 am there is no way I can make it in time. I am stressed a freaking out. So tomorrow I am going to the Bariatric office and see if my appointment could get moved later or if someone canceled later in the day. Other wise I am going to have to cancel my physic appointment and I really wanted to have that out of the way by the time I went to the Bariatric appointment. Boy I must like making things difficult on myself.

Have I mentioned yet how things are moving quickly. I can't believe I have one more weigh-in. This 6 months have really flown by. I am down a grand total of 32 pounds so far. I can't believe that on my own I was able to lose 32 pounds. From my understand once I meet with the Bariatric nutritionist I will be set up with an appointment to go to a 4 hour class to explain everything that will be happening and how eating is going to change and what will happen before and post-op. Once I have my last weigh in in Nov. the Bariatric  Center will submit all my paper work to my insurance for approval. Once they get the approval back they will call with a surgery date and tell me when I need to start my liquid diet. It is so close but so far away.

I'm getting more nervous, scared, and excited. Nervous because I am electing to have to have a major surgery, Scared something will go wrong or I will be sick and miserable after I have the surgery. Excited that I will have my life back. I am ready to be a new person, to have energy, to hike and do physical activities that won't were me out after a couple minutes. I can't wait to feel healthy and to look healthy.

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