Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Off to a Bad Start

Well, the journey did not start off to well. As you can tell my the date. It is now May 25, 2010. Alot has happened since that post. I quit my job and my husband and I moved to a new town. I started work right away. However, we have been living with one of my besties. It was not a ideal situation to lose weight in.
About three weeks ago a co-worker has got me hooked on the show "The Biggest Loser" and it just made me realize that, I am capable of losing the weight. I just have to overcome the fact that not all situation are ideal. If I want to live a long life and do physcial things and play with my kids outside then I have to get into shape. I see this being a long journey but I rewarding one. I have decided that what is going to work best for me is working in stages. The first stage is exercising. For the next 6 months starting today, I pledge to walk 5 days a week 2 miles a day. Every 3 weeks I will increase the miles by one. After 6 months I will start working on eating healthy. I have became aware of what to do and how to do and from day to day try to implament something. After the 6 months of eating healthy and exercising is when I will remove soda from my diet. I am hoping that by then I will have lost at least 50lbs and a whole new me.
I pray that I have the strenghth and the courage to complete this journey with outstanding results. I want to show my future children that you can accomplish anything. I completed my 2 mile walk today. It is the second time I have done it. It was by all means not easier than the first time. I think it may have been harder. I can't wait to start seeing the results.

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