Sunday, February 14, 2010

Beginning the Journey

For years I have struggled with weight issues. When I say years I mean since I was in 2nd grade. It all started on picture day when my mother was helping me get dressed and she told me "Honey, I think your clothes are getting a little to tight!" From that day I was the fat girl in glass and everyday I would deal with the cruelty that childhood can bring. Now a lot of people have this thought that if they give a person who is overweight a hard time about, that it will encourage them to lose weight. Let me tell you from experience. That by all means is not what happens. What actually happens is that the overweight person begins to feel even worse about themselves then the did before and to comfort that feeling, they begin to eat more. I have learned that in my years of weight loss that the best thing that my family and friends could do for me was "SUPPORT" me. When I say support, I don't mean just telling me that I am doing a great job. I mean that if I were to go to your house and you know that I am trying to lose weight, please don't offer me soda. Offer me a water, juice or something healthy. This is the support that I am talking about.

Now, over the years I have lost weight and I have gained weight. Since, 7th grade I had reached 230lbs. and was 5' 9" tall. If you looked at me you wouldn't think I was that heavy because of the way my body is proportioned. I maintained that weight until I was a sophomore and I lost 45lbs. I did not actively try to lose the weight. I had just became more active and aware of what I was putting in my mouth. I maintained that weight until halfway through my Junior year and I began to put the weight back on. Until I graduated High School in 2001 I would bounce between 185 and 210lbs. After graduation I seemed to stay on the heavier side of the scale. I had moved away from home in July 2002. It was then that I had began to put on more weight. I am pretty sure it had to due with all the fast food. It was just easier to get something to eat through the drive-thru than to make a meal for one. I had reached 250lb. I then maintained this weight until 2005. During that year I had began to work O/N at Wal-Mart and did more sleeping and working than eating. Without realizing it I had lost 30lbs. I was so excited. I was starting to look good again and everyone was starting to notice.

I was able maintain my weight for about a year. I had gotten into a relationship that had became very emotionally and physically destructive. With that relationship I had put managed to reach a scale topping weight of 345lb.s in the course of 2 1/2 years. In 2008 I left the relationship and moved back home. It was a difficult time in my life and I am surprised that I didn't gain any more weight. Now, 2 years since I returned home I have managed to maintain the 345lbs. with losing and gain a couple pounds.

I decided to start this blog to help me on my journey of weight lose. Hoping that if I have somewhere to write how I am feeling and what I am going through on this journey then maybe I will be able to reach a healthy weight and maintain that weight. There are things that I want to do in life and at the rate that I am going I am not going to be able to any of things. One of the biggest things about losing weight for me is having babies. I want to lose weight so that when my husband and I get pregnant and you look at me you will know that I am pregnant. I don't want anyone looking at me and wondering if I am fat or if I am pregnant. I would love for it to be a clear picture for them.

Well today is Valentines Day and I should start my Journey today. However, I am not sure what my husband has in store for me and I don't want to mess up his plans so I will begin this journey tomorrow.

Oh I am sure you are wondering about my husband and where he came into the picture at. Well after moving home in Feb. of 2008, I had spent a lot of time with my sister and figuring out what I am supposed to do in life and trying to find me again. My sister was best friends with her neighbor Katie and Katie had a son Joshua. When I had first met Joshua it never crossed my mind that he would be the man that I would spend the rest of my time with. However, over the course of a couple of months I had developed a crush on him and from what I am told during the same time he had developed a crush for me. In April 2008 we began to date. We dated until Oct. 2008 when he moved in with me. Then on Aug. 29, 2009 Joshua asked me to be his wife and we were married on Sept. 9, 2009! Yes, I know short engagement but that is what works for us. I do have to say that Joshua is the greatest man ever. He will not listen to me talk bad of myself or my weight. At least once a day, he tells me how beautiful I am and that he loves me just the way that I am. I could not ask for a better husband. I have added a photo of Joshua and I at the Monster Jam in Kansas City on Feb. 13, 2010.